About WKI
WISE KNOWLEDGE INC. (WKI) is an Indianapolis-based non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that empowers low-income youth and parents. WKI impacts educational solutions for these students and their families through: Community education, small community projects, and collaborative initiatives.
Community Education
WKI empowers low-income students and families by educating the community about important issues that impact low-income students. We educate families about school expectations, classroom etiquette, developing study habits, strengthening student behavior, wellness, high school and college readiness, and test preparation. Please contact us if you would like information about scheduling a community education session.
Community Projects
WKI responds to social issues that require attention in low-income communities. Please contact us if your are interested in parent-strengthening sessions, neighborhood pride initiatives, social services, and information support or community-led task forces.
Collaborative Initiatives
WKI's participation in collaborative programs and initiatives produces positive outcomes for student achievement. When we collaborate with other organizations, our focus includes academic support programs, social work initiatives, parent communities, mentoring, tutoring, home-visit initiatives, on-the-job experiential learning, and more.
We combine more than 50 years of experience in serving youth. We are experienced in program planning, administration, and front line implementation. Our educational and community experiences with low-income youth and parents have kept us in touch with them and sensitive to their challenges. This experience also strengthens our insight, instincts, and passion that is valuable when creating effective student solutions.
Executive Director Carrie Harris is an Indiana Hoosier -- born and raised in Indianapolis, product of the Indianapolis Public School System (IPS), a graduate of Crispus Attucks High School. As a student in the seventh grade, she experienced being moved out of her IPS school to a predominately white IPS school, under the de-segregation order by Judge H. Hue Dillon in 1973.
Carrie was a member of the Crispus Attucks Indiana High School Athletic Association state final four volleyball team in 1975. (This historic female team lost to a new state allowed co-ed team.) She was one of the first students selected to participate in the Center for Leadership Development program.
Carrie is married to Nathan Harris (for 34 years) - also an Indiana Hoosier, born and raised in Indianapolis -- product of IPS and graduate of Arsenal Technical high School. Carrie and Nate have four children and six grandchildren. Carrie
attended Purdue University, majoring in Biology but finishing at IUPUI in the school of Continuing Studies -- majoring in Supervision. She then went back to school, after raising and educating the four children –- to complete her master's degree in Secondary Education.
Carrie - Enjoys the opportunities that God gives her to share and serve. Carrie believes that we must give back to help give others an opportunity to live quality lives. “There were so many people who gave to me, so I must do all I can to give to others”, also “To whom much is given much is required.”
Carrie’s efforts in Indianapolis includes services to both profit and nonprofit organizations. Her experience gained equips her with key instincts and skills needed to effectively serve the students and families targeted by WKI. Her work includes contributions to family services, youth services, student services, and community service organizations:
Siloam Health Care Center
Broadway United Methodist Church
Purdue Cooperative Extension
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Indianapolis
Summer Youth Program
Outreach Coordinator for Division of Diversity
Indiana University School of Medicine (Howard Hughes Medical Institute)
WESTAT: NEAP – National Education Assessment for Progress
Pike Township Schools
Assistant volleyball coach - Arsenal Technical High School
Current assistant volleyball coach - Crispus Attucks High School
Founder Nathan (Nate) Harris -- Ph. D. candidate at Indiana State University). Nate's research focus -- "the attitudes that black male students rely on to successfully attain a four-year degree". For over seven years Nate was the IUPUI Project Director for Upward Bound - a US Dept of Education funded program designed to provide college readiness services to high school students who are low-income and potential first-generation college graduates. His volunteer service includes Parents Across America (public school advocacy), and 100 Black Men Team Mentoring in the Indianapolis Public Schools System.

Key Staff
Indianapolis, IN 46218
(317) 403-6423
© 2015 by Wise Knowledge, Inc.
Proudly created with Wix.com
Wise Knowledge Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible.

Provide refreshments to schools so low-income kids will have snacks.
Talk to school social workers and counselors to find out what you can bring or do to help the school's low-income students.
During school parent meetings assertively get to know low-income parents and gradually find out from them how you can help.
Work with parents and teachers to help low-income students become members of student study groups.
Inform low-income students and parents about student outreach programs.
"And I want to say that the goals behind No Child Left Behind were admirable, and President Bush deserves credit for that. Higher standards are the right goal. Accountability is the right goal. Closing the achievement gap is the right goal. And we've got to stay focused on those goals. But experience has taught us that in its implementation No Child Left Behind had some serious flaws that are hurting our children instead of helping them. Teachers too often are being forced to teach to the test. Subjects like history and science have been squeezed out. And in order to avoid having their schools labeled as failures, some States, perversely, have actually had to lower their standards in a race to the bottom instead of a race to the top. They don't want to get penalized? Let's make sure that the standards are so low that we're not going to be seen failing to meet them. That makes no sense."
President Barack Obama
Barack Obama: Remarks on the No Child Left Behind Act
The American Presidency Project, September 13, 2011
“How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, Sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these”
George Washington Carver